Monday, December 27, 2010

This morning...

Ashlie is awake and feisty as ever! She is still a little out of it but is doing great. We have seen one doctor who said she was doing wonderfully! Her color already looks 100% better- she now looks like she has a pretty tan instead of being really yellow! They are monitoring her numbers that indicated her liver is functioning properly, and they are all headed in the right direction! She will more than likely be moved to the regular floor today. Please continue to pray for no complications and for her to be as comfortable as possible. Thanks so much!


  1. Whitney,
    You have done a wonderful job updating this blog. I have been following it and I'm so happy to hear all the great news. I will comtinue to pray for Ashlie and the rest of your family!

  2. That is wonderful news! The Vaughans will continue to pray for a full recovery!

  3. Praise the Lord! We are so happy to hear the wonderful news of how well Ashlie is doing! We continue to pray for her speedy recovery and comfort, and that God will keep his loving arms around your whole family. Love & hugs, -the Jaco's

  4. So good to hear that she's awake, happy & fiesty! Now, she can start working on flirting, laying the vibe & picking up some good looking male medical professionals for me, Mary Anne and of course, herself. :)

    Whitney, I'd like to visit w/ her tomorrow if possible. Do you mind calling me @ 615.545.5785, I have a few questions. Thank you! Emily Patridge

  5. The Schneider family has been praying and wishes Ashlie a speedy full recovery!!!! Give her our well wishes, please!

  6. Have been following your Blog...Thank-you so much for keeping us all up to date. So glad Ashlie is doing so well. Will continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers!!!
    Bonnie Chary
